

July 2020 Farewell speech.

Good afternoon,

Dear students, fellow teachers, and the school leaders,

It’s been three years since I came to Japan. Today is my day to say, Goodbye to you all.
I am sad to say goodbye, but I am happy because I met you.

Thank you for welcoming me to the Shogyo family.
Every day you helped me learn about Japan, Japanese food and Japanese culture. I now know a lot more.

To the shogyo teachers, thank you for your kind hearts and support always.

To the shogyo students; You are good students and always ready to learn. You are also very respectful.
Thank you for trying your best in my English class.
I hope I helped you improve your English. I hope you enjoyed our activities together.

I hope you learned a little bit about my country and culture.

When you get a chance, visit other cities’, other countries and enjoy new life experiences.

Try your best to practice English, have fun speaking English.

I wish you the best in your future.

Thank you for the best three years of my life.

From the bottom of my heart, Thank you,